Find affordable shared housing for individuals with disabilities
Self-Help and Recovery Exchange
Collaborative Housing program offers affordable, permanent and supportive housing to individuals with disabilities in single family houses throughout Los Angeles County. Individuals must be willing to share a room, help with chores, work/volunteer, and attend self-help support groups.
Monday - Friday1:00 pm - 6:00 pm
ADA accessible
Citizenship Requirements
No citizenship requirements
Counties Served
Los Angeles
What to do next
Visit the preferred location for a referral on weekdays from 1 - 8 pm.
Call for more information, or to make housing referral on weekdays from 1 - 6 pm.
Self-Help and Recovery Exchange
Self-Help and Recovery Exchange
425 South Broadway
Los Angeles , CA 90013
0.4 miles away
Mon to Fri 1:00 pm-6:00 pm
Sat to Sun Closed