Get affordable rides for seniors and residents with disabilities
City of Sierra Madre
The City offers the Dial-A-Ride program, which offers transportation to seniors and residents with disabilities. Out-of-town trips can go no more than 2 miles beyond Sierra Madre, but may travel to medical facilities in Pasadena, Arcadia, or Duarte.
Monday - Friday8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Eligibility Requirements
Resident age 62 and older, or must have a form, signed by a physician, attesting to a disability which hinders mobility and the use of MTA buses
ADA accessible
Citizenship Requirements
No citizenship requirements
Counties Served
Los Angeles
What to do next
Visit the link to download an application, and for more information.
City of Sierra Madre
City of Sierra Madre
232 West Sierra Madre Boulevard
Sierra Madre , CA 91024
13.8 miles away
Mon to Fri 8:00 am-5:00 pm
Sat to Sun Closed