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Get affordable rides for seniors and residents with disabilities

City of Sierra Madre

The City offers the Dial-A-Ride program, which offers transportation to seniors and residents with disabilities. Out-of-town trips can go no more than 2 miles beyond Sierra Madre, but may travel to medical facilities in Pasadena, Arcadia, or Duarte.


Monday - Friday8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Transportation assistance

Eligibility Requirements

Resident age 62 and older, or must have a form, signed by a physician, attesting to a disability which hinders mobility and the use of MTA buses

ADA accessible


Citizenship Requirements

No citizenship requirements



Counties Served

Los Angeles

What to do next

Call 626-355-5278

Visit the link to download an application, and for more information.

City of Sierra Madre

City of Sierra Madre

232 West Sierra Madre Boulevard

Sierra Madre , CA 91024

13.8 miles away

Mon to Fri 8:00 am-5:00 pm

Sat to Sun Closed
