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Get transportation assistance for Huntington Park residents

City of Huntington Park

The City of Huntington Park works with Metro Transit to provide transportation assistance for Huntington Park residents ages 65 and older, and for individuals with disabilities. The Dial-A-Ride program runs 24/7 and provides curb-to-curb transportation.


- 12:00 am - 12:00 am

Transportation assistance Transportation for healthcare Transportation to school

Eligibility Requirements

Limit of 30 trips per month

ADA accessible


Citizenship Requirements

No citizenship requirements



Counties Served

Los Angeles

What to do next

Call 323-582-6161

Visit the Cashiers Office in the Finance Department at City Hall to register for the program.


Call for more information about the program.

City of Huntington Park

City of Huntington Park

6550 Miles Avenue

Huntington Park , CA 90255

4.8 miles away

to 12:00 am-12:00 am

Sat to Fri Closed
