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Get taxi vouchers for seniors in Monterey Park

City of Monterey Park

Monterey Park offers a low cost transportation program through its Dial-A-Taxi program. Eligible residents aged 55 and older or who have a certified disability are able to shop, dine, and visit any location in the city or go to approved satellite medical facilities and hospitals 24 hours a day, seven days a week.


Monday - Friday7:30 am - 4:30 pm

Transportation assistance

Eligibility Requirements

Riders must complete an application and pay a one-time $5.00 registration fee.

ADA accessible


Citizenship Requirements

No citizenship requirements



Counties Served

Los Angeles

What to do next

Call 626-307-1396

Call for more information

City of Monterey Park

City of Monterey Park

320 West Newmark Avenue

Monterey Park , CA 91754

7.3 miles away

Mon to Fri 7:30 am-4:30 pm

Sat to Sun Closed
