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Get tutoring and support for college students

Rio Hondo College

Rio Hondo College’s TRIO SSS Program provides supportive services for first-generation students, students living with disabilities, and income-eligible students. The program offers tutoring services and workshops to help students achieve success.


Monday - Friday8:00 am - 2:00 pm


Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible, applicants must be enrolled at Rio Hondo College taking a minimum of 12 units and 2.0 GPA and either be a first-generation American, meet income eligibility, or live with a disability. Applicant must also demonstrate a need for support.

ADA accessible


Citizenship Requirements

US citizen or permanent resident (Green Card Holder)



Counties Served

Los Angeles

What to do next

Call 562-463-7639

Visit the link to apply for the program.


Email Brenda Beza, TRIO SSS Project Director, for more information.

Rio Hondo College

Rio Hondo College

3600 Workman Mill Rd.

Whittier , CA 90601

12.6 miles away

Mon to Fri 8:00 am-2:00 pm

Sat to Sun Closed

The hours above are the summer office hours.
