Get transportation to medical and dental appointments
City of Whittier
The City of Whittier Dial-a-Ride (DAR) Plus program for seniors and individuals with a permanent or temporary qualifying disability provides transportation services to medical and dental appointments outside of City of Whittier limits.
Saturday - Friday7:00 am - 4:30 pm
Eligibility Requirements
Must already be enrolled in the Dial-a-Ride Service to receive a DAR Plus Ride Card.
ADA accessible
Citizenship Requirements
No citizenship requirements
Counties Served
Los Angeles
What to do next
Call for more information about services, or to sign up.
Visit link for more information.
City of Whittier
City of Whittier
15390 Lambert Road
Whittier , CA 90604
16.0 miles away
Sat to Fri 7:00 am-4:30 pm
to Closed